Winter-Proofing Your Workout

by Megan

Does your activity level peak in the summer and tend to hibernate in the winter? It seems like the colder and darker it gets, the more I just want to curl up inside with a cup of hot chocolate and the TV. But during the summer, there are so many things I want to do! Biking, kayaking, hiking or tennis games – you name it. If it’s outdoors, I’m there!

Perhaps if I lived in a warmer climate I would stay active year round, but it just so happens I live in Wisconsin and the temperatures seem to be dropping a little more every week. This year though, I’m not going to give up my favorite activities. I’m just going to modify them a bit and you can too!

Here are some tips on how to keep your fitness on track during these cold winter months.

Love biking? Head to your local fitness center and check out spinning or cycling classes. These group classes provide stationary bikes with adjustable resistance, music to motivate you and a workout that is both great for your heart and low impact on your joints!

At first I didn’t believe that an indoor biking class could provide the same workout as my mountain bike, but after the first session, I was hooked and pleasantly exhausted! Even if you aren’t a biker, the adjustable resistance is able to provide an individualized workout so that the class is perfect for the beginning exerciser as well as the advanced!

Prefer kayaking? The rivers are a little too cold for my liking now but I really want to keep my strength- how can I do this? There are two options: visit your gym or invest in a resistance band or a set of dumbbells. Fitness centers almost always have rowing machines. They are often the machine in the corner that people ignore – big mistake! Not only can this machine strengthen the abdominals, shoulders and chest muscles, but it can burn almost 700 calories in 1 hour!* If you do not belong to a gym, using resistance bands or dumbbells and performing such exercises as bent-over rows, pullovers, and lateral pull downs will also keep you in tip-top kayaking shape!

Avid Hiker? If you’re craving the great outdoors as a part of your workout, strap some skis or snowshoes on your feet! Snowshoeing or cross country skiing can turn your basic hiking trail into a winter wonderland – and a tough one at that. Just make sure to bundle up in layers and pay attention to the forecast. If you are more of a gym fan, check out that big step machine you have been carefully avoiding. While it isn’t quite the same as hiking, it helps work some of the same muscles groups.

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