One Small Swap

by Sarah

Fact or Fiction: Health Coaches have it all figured out so they don’t need to set any wellness goals.

FICTION! Many people think that we as Health Coaches lead perfect, healthy lives without ever going off the beaten path, that we aren’t tempted to eat those delicious cheese curds, or that we exercise for hours upon hours a day. False!

Truth is, no one is perfect! Even us coaches live in the real world with our own personal health and wellness goals. One of my personal goals over the last few months has been to increase my water intake, and eliminate other high-caloric, low-nutritional beverages (and yes, this includes that tasty glass of wine!) Since making this change, I have found myself sleeping better, feeling hydrated, and even having an added benefit of some weight loss. This one small swap has made quite a difference for me.

Personal wellness goals can be simple! Take one small step, or swap, at a time and you will be closer to your goals in no time!


Be Well,



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