Healthy Halloween: Having Fun without the Sugar Buzz

by Megan

Ahh. Breathe in that fresh October air, full of fallen leaves, pumpkins, apples and Snickers!

Halloween is soon upon us and I’ll bet you have noticed the candy in all of the stores – I sure have. Since I was little, Halloween has been one of my favorite holidays. Who doesn’t love to dress up in a fun costume, watch spooky movies and receive free candy from your neighbors?

However, since I have gotten a little older, I have noticed that my body doesn’t seem to need as much candy. In fact, I could swear that just by looking at a Milky Way bar my belt gets tighter! This year, I am taking my niece trick-or-treating and together we are going to make it a healthy Halloween! Here are some tips:

Eat dinner before you go out. Whether you are going trick-or-treating or to a Halloween party make sure to eat a well balanced meal before you leave. If you fuel up before festivities you’ll be less likely to be tempted by candy and other junk food.

Leave the pillowcases for your pillows. Using a pillowcase for candy collection is an open invitation to overindulge. By bringing smaller bags you and your children will limit your chances of consuming excessive amounts of sugar.

Play favorites. Go ahead and indulge in your favorite pieces of candy then get rid of the rest. How often have you eaten something that wasn’t necessarily your favorite just because it was there? Eating healthy isn’t just about willpower it also includes avoiding temptation. Simply put, if the food isn’t there, you won’t eat it.

Be seen. If you choose to go trick-or-treating after the sun goes down, make yourself visible to cars. Wear a reflective vest, have your child carry glow sticks, or bring flashlight. If your child is adamant about dressing up as Batman (or any dark costume) convince them to wear a cool head light or belt.

Bring in the pumpkins. This is not a tip to prevent your pumpkins from being smashed but rather as an easy way to get your fill of Vitamins A and C as well as potassium. Pumpkin pie or pumpkin muffins are delicious and healthy treats that the whole family can enjoy.

If you would like more healthy Halloween tips, check out  If you’re looking for a few good healthy Halloween recipe ideas, has a great selection for you to pick from! 

Do you have any suggestions on making Halloween safe and healthy? Let me know!

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