Grow Fresh Herbs and Veggies Indoor, All Year Round!

by Joanna

Earlier this year I bought an AeroGarden and I find it fascinating!  It’s an indoor, countertop garden that uses LED lights and hydroponics to grow a variety of seeds at any time of the year.  They range in price from about $80 to $400. The seeds that you can get depend on the type of AeroGarden (3, 6, 7, or 9 pods) and there is quite the variety of things to grow: lettuce, herbs, flowers (coleus, phlox, zinnia, petunias, violets to name a few), cherry tomatoes, hot peppers, sweet peppers, strawberries, and more.

The first seed kit I tried was called Gourmet Herbs.  This included Genovese Basil, Thai Basil, Curly Parsley, Thyme, Chive, Mint, and Dill.  If you didn’t know already, basil and dill grow SO FAST.  I would prune it one day, and the next day it would need to be pruned again!

The set up is really easy.  The only thing I was intimidated by was pruning the herbs, as I’ve never done this before, but the AeroGarden blog and YouTube have so many videos and tips that it’s easy to learn.  Don’t let your intimidation stop you, it was really easy!

Here are some pictures of my AeroGarden adventure:

Three Days Planted


20 Days Planted

Backrow: Genovese Basil , Thai Basil

Middle Row: Dill, Mint

Front Row: Parsley, Thyme

34 Days Planted (I should have raised the lights, or pruned the dill a bit)


38 Days Planted

In total, I think the herbs lasted 100 days.  It might have lasted longer, but we left town to take our son to college and I didn’t ask anyone to refill the water while we were gone.  It was time to be done anyway and start something new.

I had more herbs, especially basil and dill, than I knew what to do with!  I ended up giving some away and drying a lot.  Drying in the oven was really easy.  It was nice to have fresh basil and dill and I found myself looking for more recipes that called for herbs.

Now it’s time for a new adventure!

14 Days Planted – Cherry Tomatoes


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