At Home Resistance Workout

by Megan

Last night I was tired and coming off of a nasty flu a few days prior but was feeling much better than I had in days so I felt the need to do some sort of activity. I don’t like to do any form of cardio after dinner so that activity was limited to lifting but I also didn’t want to go to the gym- it was 7:45 already. For you night owls, I realize this is the warm up to your prime hours but considering I’m usually in bed by 9 the last thing I felt like doing was getting into the car and driving to a public place I’d have to look acceptable for. And by acceptable, I mean in something other than the worn out men’s sweatpants I slipped into after work. So, I had two choices- sit and do nothing or go downstairs and do some exercises with my trusty resistance bands and bodyweight. Good news, I chose the latter. Here is what I did:

Squats- 3x10

Pushups- 3x10

I’m pretty weak in this area so I did these on my knees so I could finish out each set.

Overhead Press (with resistance band)- 3x10

Lunge/sumo squat move- 2x10

I cannot remember where I found this move but it’s great. Start by standing with feet hip width apart, then turn to the right and lunge forward with your right leg and bend your left down, push up to standing. Turn facing forward and lower into a sumo squat, push up through your heels to starting, then turn to the left and lunge forward with your left leg, bending the right behind you. Push up and return to center- that is one rep.

Bicep curl (with resistance band) 3x10

Overhead triceps extension (with resistance band) 3x10

Plank- 2x30 seconds

Seated row (with resistance band behind by feet) 3x10

Abdominal crunch, 3x15

This probably took me 20 minutes total, I didn’t have to leave my house, I didn’t need any space and I could look like a total mess. Afterwards I did some stretching and had some tea to wind down, it was a great way to end the day.

Are you an evening exerciser? What is the latest you’ll stay up for a workout?


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